Part of the respected and established XEPOS Group, XEPAY has been flourishing in recent years. But how has this key branch of an already reputable company been so dominant in a highly competitive market?  Card machine fees, distribution of sole trader card machines, payment processing costs, providing card machines for charities and their own XEPAY card machine are all no doubt contributors but there are other significant elements involved in the process. Let’s take a closer look at what XEPAY is all about and how we are dominating the market.


Dream Big And Earn Bigger


Let’s start by clarifying that this is a vast organisation and not just some small scale operation. One of the innovators in the EPOS market, XEPOS is a well-established provider for over 10,000 businesses, acquiring more partners every week and turning prospects into clients every single day. They have done this by fine-tuning their software and hardware packages to be the perfect match for a wide range of businesses and market sectors. XEPAY certainly stands out from its competitors, boasting online, cloud-based software and providing consistent updates in security and performance. This is particularly reassuring for clients and combines well with regular, timed updates with new and improved features for business compatibility.

Global Partnerships

Serving a worldwide customer base and being particularly prevalent in the UK and USA, XEPAY is truly a global company. Their software can work in more than 100 languages and currencies and can support customers almost anywhere in the world which is a standout feature that not all brands can offer. The intuitive and feature-rich components that make up the XEPAY software packages have been able to take businesses to new heights, producing unimaginable results. Simple things like ensuring the accuracy of data on an end of day report or speeding up payment processes for clients can have a significant impact on the day to day running of a company.



Never Stop Improving


XEPOS has been updating their hardware and software for over 6 years. Their features offer unparalleled levels of accessibility, for almost every business sector in the modern market. Options of both online, and offline software, accompany complete hardware packages, or software-only packages depending on the specification of the business and the individual customer needs and preferences. XEPOS and XEPAY can tailor the perfect system that fits your business and puts it on the path to success alongside them.


Adaptable Product Range

XEPAY caters to a cross-section of sectors and has specific bespoke software packages for retail, hospitality, takeaways, salons, gyms and dry cleaners. They provide a variety of products in addition to EPOS systems. The extensive range includes integrated card machines, payment gateways, a no monthly fee card machine, eCommerce websites and online ordering platforms. 


Whichever end of the experience spectrum you find yourself on, it seems XEPAY can help you. From top-level executives of famous brands to newcomers and novices at entry-level still asking ‘what does void mean on a card machine?’ it seems to be a service that fits all. XEPAY terminals can be directly linked with a new XEPOS system and there are no hidden fees involved. Perhaps the most attractive element of their undoubted success story is the transparency at twitch they operate and the clarity they provide customers with no PCI Compliance fees, no scheme fees, no minimum monthly charges. XEPAY offers low transaction fees and is one of the UK’s fastest-growing payment providers.